Background & Interests

I am an applied mathematician, statistician and data scientist, with lecturing and wet-lab experimental biology experience. I focus on applications in biology.

Mathematics. I specialise in: discrete models – taking the form of systems of ordinary differential equations; stochastic agent-based models; continuum models – taking the form of system of nonlinear partial differential equations; discrete to continuum limits; travelling waves; perturbation analysis; moving boundary problems derived from biologically motivated cell-level processes; and, tumour growth models.

Data science and statistics. To connect mathematical models to data I use techniques from statistics, specialising in: statistical uncertainty analysis; parameter estimation; parameter identifiability; prediction; profile likelihood-based methods; and Bayesian MCMC methods.

Biology. Applications of interest include: epithelial tissue dynamics (mechanical cellular relaxation, cell proliferation, cell death, mechanical cell competition, mechanochemical feedback loops), avascular tumour growth (experimental design, co-culture growth, adaptation mechanisms to time-dependent oxygen), epithelial-mesenchymal transitions (EMT), the cell cycle, and population dynamics.

Currently I am Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Mathematical Biology working with Dr Stuart Johnston, Dr Matt Faria and Associate Professor James Osborne at the University of Melbourne.

In 2022-2023 I was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Mathematical Biology in the group of Professor Matthew Simpson (Queensland University of Technology). During my studies I performed wet-lab biological experiments in close collaboration with the group of Professor Nikolas Haass (The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane).

In 2022, I completed my PhD at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. My thesis is entitled Mechanochemical and experimental models in mathematical biology, under the supervision of Professor Matthew Simpson (QUT) and Dr Pascal Buenzli (QUT), in collaboration with Professor Ruth Baker (University of Oxford). My thesis received a Faculty of Science Executive Dean’s Commendation for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis for 2022. During my studies I have worked with the experimental group of Professor Rik Thompson (QUT, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane), and performed wet-lab biological experiments in close collaboration with the group of Professor Nikolas Haass (The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane).

Prior to moving to Australia, I completed my bachelor and masters degree in Mathematics at the University of Oxford, England, and worked for three years as a data analytics consultant at Deloitte UK, based in Manchester, England.


2023-2025: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia.
2021 – 2023: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia
2018 – 2021: Mathematical Biology PhD Student, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
2015 – 2018: Data analytics senior consultant, Deloitte UK, Manchester, England.
2011 – 2015: Mathematics, University of Oxford, England.


Twitter: ryanmurphy42
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